
The Xing Framework is a web development environment for building both a server backend in Ruby on Rails and a single-page browser frontend in AngularJS. The Xing Framework provides integration and coordination of these two frameworks.


  • Development Support. Tooling for building and launching the entire stack in development. A single command compiles and boots your frontend and backend, then opens your app in a browser.
  • API Protocol. A predefined, consistent, and hypermedia-enabled JSON-based protocol.
  • API Support. Base classes in AngularJS and Rails for consuming and producing hypermedia JSON resources in the Xing format.
  • ES6/ESNext. A complete build and transpilation environment so you can safely work in up-to-date versions of JavaScript.
  • Angular 2 Ready. Uses Angular-2-like TypeScript annotations via A1Atscript, easing future conversion.
  • Testing Support. Prestructured testing environments for front-end unit tests (Jasmine), back-end unit tests (rSpec), and true end-to-end tests of the entire stack (rSpec with Capybara).
  • Predefined, sensible default file hierarchy.
  • Predefined, sensible default build architecture (Grunt).
  • Predefined, sensible default deployment architecture (Capistrano).
  • Secure Authentication with token auth.

Future Features:

  • CMS Tools. Modules for default content management classes and resources, usable for managing editable content in most web projects.
  • Code generation. Cross-environment, cross-language code generation tools.
  • Mobile Development. Xing supports multiple frontends. Future versions may support simultaneous building of browser, iOS, and Android apps via Cordova and enable reuse of the AngularJS codebase across all three platforms.
  • Built Futureproof. New SPA frameworks will be integrated as they become prominent, including Angular 2.